Tuesday, January 01, 2008

What was happened???

Thursday, December 2007. In class, a group of presentation consists in 5 men. All of them are good in their major. While they were presenting, I speak to my friend. Talking about something gonna be asked to them. We discussing. Then my friend asks a question. A hot scheme was realized. I involve in it also. As the audience I was a striker. And complain to the presenters. Actually it was just a normal session. But the lecturer disagree (an unknowledge person always stupid after all). She said we can to complain only. It is right?
Course it was right. But she complain?? It was a mistake. A presentation will be more attractive when the audience involve in it. No matter what they wanna be. A striker, referee, mediator, whatever. Coz it was better than a vacuum session. Isn’t it?. Are u waiting for a good and pretty and polite student asked a good question Mam?? What an intelligent woman you are.


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  • Mahasiswa! - Aku mulai menyadari apa arti dari mahasiswa setelah aku jadi mahasiswa. Awalnya aku menyangka bahwa menjadi mahasiswa itu gampang. Tapi ternyata prasangka ...
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